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A new toll booth has been inaugurated in Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza).
25 June 2024

The inauguration of the new toll booth in Montecchio Maggiore, in the Province of Vicenza, in close proximity to the interconnection between A4 and SPV (Superstrada Pedemontana Veneta), was held today in the presence of the top management of A4 Holding Group, Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova, the mayors of Brendola and Montecchio Maggiore, and the President of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia. The facility was opened to vehicular traffic on May 4, 2024.

The infrastructure in question represents the culmination of an ambitious project that took four and a half years to complete. It includes a series of works and connections designed and implemented with the objective of enhancing the functionality of the highway connection with the ordinary road network. This is connected to the regional and provincial mobility system, which had long presented several criticalities, also in view of the high traffic flow (in 2023, 2.590 million vehicles entered, and 2.792 million vehicles exited the Montecchio Maggiore tollbooth). This is primarily due to the area's industrial and artisan vocation. 

A series of interventions were implemented in addition to the new tollbooth, which mainly involved: The construction of new highway interchanges, viaducts, and underpasses; the emergency lane on the A4 at the Milan-Venice railway line; the resurfacing of overpasses; and the construction of a new artificial underpass tunnel on the A4 Highway as part of the high-speed railway line between Verona and Vicenza were also undertaken. In addition, all the works related to the highway interconnection between the A4 Brescia-Padova and the Superstrada Pedemontana Veneta were carried out. 

The entire project is scheduled for completion by the end of the year, with the opening of the new Brescia Verona Vicenza Padua Motorway Maintenance Center. This facility is being constructed on the site of the former Montecchio Maggiore toll booth. Concurrently, works related to the ordinary road system and traffic circulation in front of the former toll station will be completed.

The new Montecchio Maggiore toll station will be opened to vehicular traffic at precisely 00:00 on Wednesday, June 26.

The recently installed toll booth is equipped with a total of eight toll collection lanes, comprising three inbound lanes and five outbound lanes, in addition to a single gate designated for exceptional outbound transport. The tolling system comprises two toll gates equipped with automatic cashiers for manual payments (cards, credit cards, cash, Viacard), one mixed toll collection/tolling gate, and five gates where tolling systems are active.

The Montecchio toll station will be the inaugural facility (of the 25 on the routes under concession to the A4 Holding Group) to offer the option of paying through a smartphone or smartwatch. This is due to the toll station's implementation of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, which will be extended to all other existing stations soon.

Finally, in early 2025, the customer parking lot, which has a capacity of approximately 300 parking spaces and 12 stalls for coaches, will become operational.

The comprehensive plan of works in the area required an investment of over 107 million euros, including additional costs for raw materials and supplementary works. This investment was entirely financed by the concessionaire Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova of the A4 Holding Group. The project involved a total of 140 firms, which were engaged in various capacities in the execution of the works. These firms collectively committed approximately 500,000 hours of work, involving a significant number of workers and technicians.

"We are proud to have been able to activate the new Montecchio Maggiore toll booth." stated Gonzalo Alcalde, president of the A4 Holding Group. "This was an articulated intervention, where we encountered several critical issues. However, these were adequately resolved thanks to our experience in managing these complex projects, but also, above all, thanks to the expertise, capacity, and self-sacrifice of the pool of companies involved.

Another occasion in which we have demonstrated out ability to design and finance the roads of tomorrow, starting from today, working in a continuous manner on matters of safety, innovation and sustainability, while at the same time considering the needs of the territories that our highways cross. 
On the one hand, the new interconnection will facilitate the movement of traffic on the A4, which will benefit the SPV. Furthermore, it will facilitate connections with municipalities and industrial and artisan areas in the foothills. On the other hand, the new infrastructure will contribute to alleviating the load of traffic on existing roads and intersections, which are already congested, hoping thus to further meet the needs of the road system in the province of Vicenza and those of greater sustainability of mobility for the municipalities of Brendola, Montebello Vicentino and Montecchio Maggiore.