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A4 Brescia-Padova: a day and an event dedicated to the safety of motorway operators
13 June 2024

Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova, a company of A4 Holding Group, is organizing an awareness-raising initiative for motorists and lorry drivers, who use more than 235 km of road concessioned to the company daily, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the next June 20, at Truck Park Brescia Est, in Castenedolo (BS), with the aim of bringing their attention to challenges and risks that motorway workers face on a daily basis for the safety and comfort of travelers.  

The next June 20 2024 will be the European day for the safety of all motorway employees, whether in patrol, safety, prevention or maintenance role, and in order to raise awareness among highway users of risks that “men in yellow” (due to the color of their reflective vest) have to faced, the entire motorway sector has been active on several fronts.  Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova has organized an event to acquaint and confront drivers, either of heavy vehicles or light ones, with the highway operators, in particular the Traffic Auxiliars

The event will provide an opportunity for attendees to engage in dialogue and networking, facilitated by entertainment, a cup of coffee and a souvenir T-shirt. This will foster a friendly atmosphere enabling mutual acquaintance between highway safety professionals and travelers. 

It is of concern that there are still a significant number of fatal road accidents of motorway operators in Italy and Europe, often caused by drowsiness, inattention or an underestimation of risks by drivers who fail to focus on driving, do not respect speed limits and safety distances or who generally show little respect for the Highway Code.

 “Our Groupcommented Gonzalo Alcalde, Chairman of A4 Holding Grouphas a keen awareness and attention to all driving behaviors that concern safety and prudence on the road. Is it unfortunate that there are still too many of these attitudes that endanger the safety of those who, by virtue of their profession, are the real “guardians” of our motorways. The safety of drivers and operators is of paramount importance to us. With the direct involvement of out Traffic Auxiliaries, we have organized this moment of prevention, exchange of experiences, and discussion to raise awareness about the significant risks faced by workers on the road on a daily basis.” 

The awareness-raising initiative is among those promoting the communication campaign called #(S)HeWorks #ICare, which is currently supported for the second year in a row by ASECAP, the European Association of Toll Road Concessionaires and Operators. ASECAP represents more than 140 companies that operate 88,000 km of toll infrastructure in 22 countries.